Date 24/2/11 Thursday
Accessing DATA from a DataReader: - DataReader is a class which hold Data in the form of Rows and Columns (Table Structure). To access the data from the DataReader, it provide us following methods.
1. Read() à bool (return type)
- Moves the record pointer from current location to next Row and returns a status specifying, where the Row contains Data to which it has moved, that will be true if present or False if not present.
2. GetValue(int index) à object
- Used for retrieving field values from the row to which pointer was pointing by specific the column index position.
Note - we can also access the row pointer by pointer in the form of single dimensional array also, either by specifying column index position or name, As following:
< DR > [index ] à object < DR > [Colname] à object |
3. GetName(int Index) à String
- Returns the name of column for given index position.
4. NextResult() à bool
- Moved the record pointer from current table to next table if a table exists & returns true or else returns False.
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- Now write the following code:
using System.Data.OleDb; |
Variable Declaration : OleDbConnection con; OleDbcommand cmd; OleDbDataReader dr; |
Under Form load : con = new OleDbConnection(“Provider=Msdaora; User ID = Scott; Password=tiger”); cmd = new OleDbcommand(“Select Deptno, Dname, Loc From Dept”, con); con.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); lable1.Text = dr.GetName(0); lable2.Text = dr.GetName(1); lable3.Text = dr.GetName(2); ShowData(); |
Define a method ShowData : Private void ShowData() { If(dr.Read()) { textBox1.Text = dr.GetValue(0).ToStrring(); textBox1.Text = dr[1].ToString(); textBox1.Text = dr[“Loc”].ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show(“Last Record” } } |
Under next button : ShowData(); |
Under Close Button : If(con.state != ConnectionState.Closed) con.Class(); this.Close(); |
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