Date 21-2-11 Monday
- Every operation we perform on a data source involves in three types:
1. Establishing a connection
2. Sending request as a statement
3. Capturing the result given by Data Source
1. Establishing a connection: - In this process we open a channel for communication with the data source present on local or remote machine to perform the operation.
To open the channel for command we use connection Class.
Connection() Connection( String ConnectionString) |
- Connection string is the collection of attributes that are used for connecting with a Data Source - Those are:
§ Provide
§ Data Source
§ User ID and Password
§ Database (or) Initial Catalog
§ Trusted_Connection = true
§ Integrated security = SSPI
- Provide :- As we are aware a provider is required for communicating with data sources, we use a different provider for each Data Source:
- Oracle | - Msdaora |
- Sql Server | - SqlOledb |
- MS-Access or MS-Excel | - Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0 |
- Indexing Server | - Msidxs |
- Data Source: - It is the name of target machine to which we want to connect with, doesn’t required to be specify if data is on local machine only.
- User ID and Password: - As DB’s are secured places for storing data, to connect with them we required a valid username and password.
Oracle | Scott / tiger |
Sql server | Sa / < pwd > |
- Database (or) Initial Catalog and Trusted_Connection (or) Integrated security: - are used for connecting with Sql server database.
- DSN: - attribute is used while working with Odbc classes.
Connection String for Oracle: -
“Provider = msdaord; UserId = Scott; Password=tiger (; Data Source = < server >)” |
Connection String for Sql Server: -
“Provider =SqlOledb; UserId = sa; Password=<pwd>;Database = <db name > (; Data Source = < server >)” |
Methods and Providers of connection class:
Open(): - open a connection with data source
Close(): - close a connection which is open
State: - gets the status of connection
ConnectionString: - gets or sets a ConnectionString
The object of class connection can be created in any of the following ways
Connection con = new connection(); con.ConnectionString = “< con str> ”;
Connection con = new Connection( “< con str> ”); |
Open a new windows project naming it as DbOperations and create the form as following: -
Under Button1_Click:
OleDbConnection Oracan = new OleDbConnection("Provider = Msdaora;User Id = Scott;Passwod = tiger;"); Oracan.Open(); MessageBox.Show(Oracan.State.ToString()); Oracan.Close(); MessageBox.Show(Oracan.State.ToString());
OleDbConnection sqlcon = new OleDbConnection(); sqlcon.ConnectionString = "Provider=SqlOledb;User Id =sa; Password = prabodh; Database=Master"; sqlcon.Open(); MessageBox.Show(sqlcon.State.ToString()); sqlcon.Close(); MessageBox.Show(sqlcon.State.ToString());
2. Sending request as a statement: - In this process we send a request to data source specifying the type of action we want to perform using an Sql statement,
Like: Select; Insert; Update and Delete
We use command class for executing of statement.
Command(string sqlstmt, Connection con)
Properties of command:
- Connection:- sets or gets the connection object associated with command.
- ConnectionText: - Sets or Gets the statement associate with command.
Object of a class can be created in any of the following ways: -
Command cmd = new Command() cmd.Connection = <con >; cmd.CommandText = “ < Sql stmts >”; (Or) Command cmd = new Command(“ <Sql stmts> “, con);
Method of command class: -
ExecuteScalar | à DataReader à Object à int |
Note – After creating the object of command class well need to call any of these three methods to execute the stmte.
- Use ExecuteReader method when we want to execute a “select” statement. That returns data as rows and columns. The method return a object of class DataReader, which holds the data as rows and columns.
- Use ExecuteScalar method when we want to create a select stmte that returns a single value result. Return type of method is “Object”, which gives a value in generic type.
- Use ExecuteNonQuery method when we want to execute Non Query stmts (DML statement)
Like: Insert, Update, Delete etc.
In this case we need to find out the no of Rows affected by the stmte and the return type of the method is “Int”.
Note – Above process of calling an appropriate method in the appropriate case is our third step i.e. Capturing the result given by Data Source.